Appendix I-2
Model 8500
Electrical Definition
Data is transmitted on one line (Data Out of Gage) and received on
another line (Data Into Gage). Data transfer, consisting of ASCII-coded
character strings, is a synchronous serial. Baud rate, word length, stop
bits and parity are selectable from the keyboard.
Data Format
Listed below are the electrical specifications for data transmittal:
Signal levels are RS-232 C/D compatible
Mark is less than -2.5 Volts
Space is greater than +2.5V
The maximum output signal range is ± 5.50 Volts
The maximum input signal range is ± 20 Volts
The following two hardware handshake lines are included:
The gage sets DTR (Data Terminal Ready) low (<-2.5V)
when it is not able to receive data. DTR will be high (>+2.5V)
at all times.
A high (>+2.5V) supplied by the external DSR (Data Set
Ready) device (or by being connected to the DTR line) will
enable the gage to transmit data. A low (<-2.5V) supplied by
the external device (or by being connected to the RTS line)
will prevent the gage from transmitting data.
If the external device does not provide the proper DSR sig-
nal, then DTR must be connected to DSR (jump pin 6 to pin
20 in the 25 position cable connector or in the 25-pin con-
nector on the attached equipment.
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