Learn About Safety
Please read and follow the safety instructions in this User Guide.
Important — Read First
Storage solutions recommended for sanitizing, cleaning, flushing, and storage may be hazardous or corrosive.
Follow proper safety procedures when preparing, mixing, and handling these reagents. Refer to Material Safety
Data Sheets (MSDS) — available from your supplier — to learn about the specific characteristics, necessary
precautions, and suitable remedies for each reagent used.
1. Always wear protective clothing including safety glasses and gloves when working with membrane cassettes,
equipment, samples, and reagents.
2. Provide sufficient space for assembling all system components and operating the system.
3. Disconnecting a system component or dismantling an installed cassette holder without first isolating and
depressurizing it can result in personal injury and equipment damage. Depressurize a TFF system and cassette
holder before dismantling any component.
4. Some system components may be very heavy. Take proper precautions when moving or lifting equipment to
prevent personal injury. In some cases, hoists or other lifting equipment may be required.
5. You should always use pressure gauges or pressure sensing devices in your system so you can monitor the
system pressure and differential pressure across the membrane cassette.
6. Take suitable precautions before sterilizing the holder with steam or using the holder with hot fluids.
7. Do not use your cassette holder as a coded pressure vessel.
8. Wipe up spills promptly to prevent injury from contact or slipping.
9. Complete the following safety procedures:
a. Read about the operating limits of the membrane cassette and the proper methods for use detailed in this
User Guide.
b. Ensure that your process and cleaning conditions do not exceed the operating limits of the cassette holder,
membrane cassette, and sealing materials.
c. Check that your process equipment and the cassette holder meet local safety codes.
d. Inspect the holder and seals regularly to detect damaged components.
Pre-use Recommended Storage Conditions
Pall cassettes can be expected to perform within specifications if stored and handled in a manner consistent
with the parameters below:
• The cassette is stored unopened in the original packaging at 4 to 25 ºC and in a dry environment.
• The cassette is protected from direct sunlight, radiation, or weather conditions.
• Care is taken to avoid physical damage while handling.
• Thermal shock is avoided.