1. With the above mentioned support bracket and bolts removed, hang the rear panel onto the posts pro-
truding from the rear wall (Figure 25 and Figure 26).
2. Gently place the base of either of the two side panels along the edge of the firebox floor and wall. Then
slowly tilt the top part of the panels up into the edge of the wall and ceiling. Be careful that the top cor-
ner of the panel closest to the front of the fireplace makes as little contact with the opening edge of the
firebox (Figure 27) as this may damage the panel.
3. The rear panel is stabilized once the side panels are in place. Stabilize the side panels by installing the
glass baffle and panel bracket (Figure 22) and its bolts.
4. Install the ceramic glass baffle as outlined in “Installing the ceramic baffle:” on page 18.
Figure 26: Rear panel in place.
Figure 27: Upper corner.
Figure 28: Right side panel in place.
Figure 29: Left side panel in place.