Fig. 3-31
(3) Select each item and enter a value. To change the unit, it is also necessary to change the value of
low-cut and so on.
Setting item
Setting range
Flow unit
Unit of instantaneous flow rate
CuMtr/day, CuMtr/hr, CuMtr/min,
CuMtr/sec, liter/hr, liter/min, liter/sec,
CuFt/day, CuFt/hr, CuFt/min, CuFt/
sec, gal/day, gal/hr, gal/min, gal/sec,
ImpGal/day, ImpGal/hr, ImpGal/min,
ImpGal/sec, bbl/day, bbl/hr, bbl/min,
bbl/sec, g/hr, g/min, g/sec, kg/hr, kg/
min, kg/sec, MetTon/day, MetTon/hr,
MetTon/min, ShTon/day, ShTon/hr,
ShTon/min, LTon/day, LTon/hr, lb/day,
lb/hr, lb/min, lb/sec, special
Decimal point
Decimal point position of instantaneous
flow rate
0 to 3
(instantaneous flow rate / analog output)
0.0 to 120.0sec
Low cut
(instantaneous flow rate / analog output)
0.0 to 9999.0 (flow rate setting unit)
Flow direction
Inflow direction (measurement mode)
Forward Flow, Reverse Flow, Both
Total unit
Totalization unit
liter, hliter, CuMtr, CuIn, CuFt, gal,
ImpGal, bbl, g, kg, MetTon, ShTon,
LTon, lb, special
Total decimal point
Pulse weight
(decimal point position of Totalization unit)
0 to 3
Total low cut
Low-cut (for Totalization)
0.0 to 9999.0 (flow rate setting unit)
Maximum flow rate Full-scale flow rate
0.0 to 9999.0 (flow rate setting unit)
Alarm point H
Upper limit alarm value
-9999 to 9999 (flow rate setting unit)
Alarm point L
Lower limit alarm value
-9999 to 9999 (flow rate setting unit)
(4) If all settings are completed, click "OK" button. Then, the message box (Fig. 3-31) will be displayed.
Click "OK" button here to change the settings to the inputted values, and to reflect the changed
setting values in the flowmeter's output. If the flowmeter's output is used to control valves or other
such parts as safety protocol, change the control loop to manual control so that the control loop
cannot be influenced by the flowmeter's output.