3.7.4 Cumulative Total Display and Control (Totalizer Control)
Use this for functions such as displaying the cumulative totals, and starting, stopping, and resetting
the count.
① Click "Diag/Service (T)" from the menu, and select "Totalizer control", then the following window
(Fig. 105) will be displayed.
"Total count" ... Accumulated total flow counter: Not resettable
"Total flow" ... Accumulated total flow: Not resettable
"R-Total count" ... Resettable total flow counter: Resettable
"R-Total flow" ... Resettable total flow: Resettable
② To stop totalizing, click "Stop". To resume totalizing, click "Start". To reset the resettable total
flow, click "Reset". If you execute resetting when totalizing is suspended, the following window
(Fig. 106) will be displayed.
③ To exit, click "Cancel" .
3.7.5 Setting Accumulated Total Flow (Total flow set)
Accumulated total flow value is set as necessary.
① Click "Diag/Service (T)" from the menu, and select "Total flow set", then the following window
(Fig. 107) will be displayed.