21. Appendices
21.1. Appendix 1. Connection and mounting diagrams
"Lun-7Т" Control Panel is manufactured of two boards, namely the main board and the board
of GSM-module installed in this board. The boards are interconnected by a two-wire cable. Power is
supplied through metal posts of GSM-module board mounting. The appearance of module is shown
in Figure 4.
Fiiure 4. General view of Control Panel "Lun-7T"
"Lun-73T" Control Panel (see Figure 5) is an improved construction of the existing "Lun-7T"
Control Panel, namely:
Integrated GSM-module with antenna;
Integrated main power monitoring circuit;
Integrated charge controller;
processor in TQFP enclosure.
All the functions of device run in full.
The functions of battery charge control (conductors with terminals are provided), and main
power control (from now on, no accessory control circuit is required, and there is no
Attention! "Lun-7Т" board with GSM-module can be replaced with "Lun-73Т" board;
upon such replacement, battery controller board will not be used, therefore, it shall be also
removed (if it has not been included into the device kit before).
Rev. en_19