Test pre-set files. Saving and loading test parameters
To save a test set of parameters for future use, press “Save presets” and name the new
file. A key board will appear and allow naming.
To load a previously saved set of parameter presets press “Load presets”
- To copy Preset parameters, inset the SD data card into the slot provided on the
side of the fluorometer. Highlight the file name of interest by touch, and then press
“Copy”. The files are copied to the SD card where they can be stored for future use or
transferred to a PC. A preset is different than a measuring file. A specific preset can be
part of a measuring file. To store the preset in a new measuring file, load the preset from
the configuration loader screen. “Exit” this screen and press “log setup” from the main
measuring screen. Change the “logging file name”. The preset and all measurements will
be logged to the new file name, and all data, traces and the presets can be used for
measurement, or transferred to a computer in the Data Management section by SD card,
or USB port.
– To erase files, highlight the file of interest by touch and press “Erase”.
Error messages common to the test modes
There are several common errors that can occur in the test modes.
If the battery voltage is 10.5 or less, the warning message “!! Battery Low !!” will appear
and a long beep will be sounded.
If the amount of in-band IR radiation is above set limits thereby saturating the pre-
detector the error message “!! IR to High !!” will be displayed.
Loading preset measuring parameter files –
Highlight the test of interest by touch, and press load.
Arrows appear when there are more tests than can be viewed
on the screen at one time, and they are used for scrolling.
Copy only works when an SD card is inserted into the side
of the OS1p.