is a feature that allows the user to use today’s date and time as file name
10 is the year, 12 is the month 23 is the day and 12 is the hour. When it is pressed the
number moves to the “Logging file”. This feature has been added as a time saver.
Save all traces
This allows traces to be saved in the same data file as the measured data.
Each time resolved intensity value of the trace has its own row when transferred to Excel
or other spread sheets. The time resolution for quenching tests is 0.1 seconds per data
point. This means that a twenty minute trace has 12,000 data points. With this in mind,
one may have to limit the number of traces per file because spread sheets usually have a
limited number of rows. This can also vary with the version of spread sheet software. For
example, some versions of Excel have more that 65,000 rows while the most up to date
version has more than 1,000,000 rows. For this reason, you may want to have separate
data files for each trace. The Kwik-Name feature makes this easy and fast.
Enter a note
It is now possible to enter a note with any measurement. To enter a note, press “Enter a
Note”. A touch keyboard will appear, and one can enter up to 38 characters per note with
each measurement. Capitals, and symbols from a normal keyboard can be selected. When
done, press “Enter”, and then “Esc”.