On-Net Surveillance Systems, Inc.
NetDVMS 6.5e
Recording Server Service
Using the Recording Server Manager
The Recording Server service is a vital part of the surveillance system; video streams are only transferred to
NetDVMS while the Recording Server service is running. The Recording Server Manager informs you about the state
of the Recording Server service. It also lets you manage the service.
The Recording Server Manager's notification area (a.k.a. system tray) icon indicates whether the Recording Server
service is running or not. Green indicates running (default), red indicates not running.
By right-clicking the icon you can start and stop the Recording Server service, view log files, etc.
Starting the Recording Server Service
To start the Recording Server service, do the following:
1. Right-click
notification area's Recording Server icon.
2. In the menu that appears, select
Start Recording Server Service.
3. The icon in the notification area changes to green.
Stop the Recording Server Service
To stop the Recording Server service, do the following:
1. Right-click
notification area's Recording Server icon.
2. In the menu that appears, select
Stop Recording Server Service.