System Examination
Continuous Reading
Regardless of the displayed image (through/freeze), a 33.3 ms
max. delay occurs before loading the image after the TRIG B sig-
nal is input.
Standard Processing Time (values for OMRON’s standard codes)
QR Code
Matrix size
Processing time
21 X 21 (Version 1)
160 ms
29 X 29 (Version 3)
200 ms
41 X 41 (Version 6)
260 ms
Data Matrix
Matrix size
Processing time
10 X 10
180 ms
14 X 14
190 ms
26 X 26
250 ms
Note The data here are standard values. When installing, calculate
the processing time according to the actual specifications and
confirm the value in the actual operating environment. The pro-
cessing time is displayed in the upper-right corner of the screen
when reading is performed in MON (monitor) or RUN mode.