Control action
PID control with auto-tuning
Fuzzy control with auto-tuning
Proportional band (P)
0-999.9% of full scale (FS), setting in 0.1% steps
Integral time (I)
0-3200 sec, setting in 1 sec steps
Differential time (D)
0-999.9 sec, setting in 0.1 sec steps
P,I,D = 0: On/off action
I,D = 0: Proportional action
Proportional cycle
1-150 sec, setting in 1 sec steps, for relay contact
output and DC SSR driver output only
Hysteresis width
0-50% FS, setting in 1 E.U.(Engineering Units) steps
On/Off action only
Anti-reset wind up
0-100% FS, setting in 1 E.U. steps, auto-setting
with auto-tuning
Input sampling cycle
0.5 sec
(DUAL OUTPUT) (Heat/Cool Type) CN4522, CN4622, CN4722 only
Heating Proportional band P x 1/2 (P= 0-999.9%)
Cooling Proportional band Heating proportional band x Cooling proportional
band coefficient
Cooling proportional band coefficient= 0-100
0: On/Off action
Integral time
0-3200 sec for heating and cooling
Differential time
0-999.9 sec for heating and cooling