The input range can be anywhere between -1999 and
9999 units and must be programmed in the lower limit of
input range and the upper limit of input range parame-
ters with decimal place values. Enter a Decimal Point
Position code depending on the desired resolution, the
input type, and the programmed input range.
0 -None
1- Tenths of a unit; 0.0
2 - Hundredths of a unit; 0.00 (CV input only)
Process Variable Offset:
The Process variable Offset is
the amount by which the indicated process variable is
shifted in a positive or a negative direction. Both the
indicated as well as the measured process variable will
be changed. This parameter can be used to correct for
differences in sensors, sensor placement, and standard-
ization problems. Enter a value which is the difference
between the measured process value and the actual
process value of the system.
Setting range: -10 – 10% of full scale, set in Eng. units
Setpoint Variable Offset:
The Setpoint Variable Offset is
that amount of offset which shifts the measured setpoint
variable in a positive or negative direction. The mea-
sured setpoint variable is changed but the indicated set-
point variable remains unchanged. Be careful when
using this variable because what you see as the set-
point variable may be very different from the actual set-
point variable.
Setting range: -50 – 50% of full scale, set in Eng. units
Indicated Setpoint Variable is Unchanged
Measured Setpoint Variable is Changed