Main Setpoint Variable:
The main setpoint variable is the
control point you wish to maintain. The main setpoint
variable is set within the input range, between P-SL and
the P-SU settings.
Ramp/Soak Command:
The Ramp/Soak program auto-
matically changes the setpoint value with time
according to a preset pattern. ProG switches the opera-
tion modes.
Setting: oFF : Normal operation is performed
rUn : Ramp/Soak operation is performed
hLd : Ramp/Soak operation is suspended
Proportional Band:
The proportional band is that area
around main setpoint where the control output is neither
fully on nor fully off.
Setting range: 0.0 to 999.9% of full scale
For On/Off control, set to “0”
Integral Time (reset):
The Integral Time is the speed at
which a corrective increase or decrease in output is
made to compensate for offset which usually accompa-
nies proportional only processes. The more Integral Time
entered, the slower the action. The less Integral Time
entered, the faster the action. Enter a value that would
eliminate offset without overcompensation, which may
result in process oscillation.
Setting range: 0 to 3200 secs
Integral action is turned off when set to “0”