Job stored for delayed transmission
The scanning completed for a delayed send fax job. Wait for the message to clear.
Line busy
A fax number is dialed, but the fax line is busy. Wait for the message to clear.
Load <src> with <x>
<src> is a tray or feeder, and <x> is a paper type or size.
Try one or more of the following:
Load the specified paper in the tray.
to clear the message and continue printing.
If the printer finds a tray that has the correct paper type and size, it feeds from that tray. If the printer cannot find
a tray with the correct paper type and size, it prints from the default source.
Cancel the current job.
Load manual feeder with <x>
<x> is a paper type or size.
Try one or more of the following:
Load the specified paper in the multipurpose feeder.
to clear the message and continue printing.
If the printer finds a tray that has the correct paper type and size, then it feeds from that tray. If the printer cannot
find a tray with the correct paper type and size, then it prints from the default source.
Cancel the current job.
Load staples
Try one or more of the following:
Replace the specified staple cartridge in the finisher.
to clear the message and continue printing.
Cancel job
to cancel the print job.
Memory full, cannot print faxes
There is not enough memory to print the fax job.
to clear the message without printing. Held faxes will attempt to print after the printer has been
Network/Network <x>
The printer is connected to the network.
Understanding printer messages