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Format: ^FBa,b,c,d,e
a = Text block/line width (in dots)
0 to 832: LE840
0 to 1238: LE850
When omitted: “Rectangle width” in the default setting table
b = Maximum number of lines in text block
1 to 99
When omitted: “Number of rows in the rectangle” in the default setting table
c = Space between lines (in dots)
99 to 44: LE840
99 to 600: LE850
When omitted: “Space between lines in dots” in the default setting table
(Note) When “Character Space between lines in dots” is 1 mm or less, correct the space
between lines in dots so that it will be 1 mm.
d = Text justification
L : Left
C : Center
R : Right
J : Justified
When omitted: “Text justification” in the default setting table
e = Indent in field block (in dots)
0 to 832: LE840
0 to 1238: LE850
When omitted: “Text justification X-coordinate correction value” in the default setting table
*1 In some cases, operation is not performed properly when this command is used with ^FP (field
parameter) or ^TB (text block).
*2 If the set value in ^FB exceeds the maximum field block width, word-wrap is applied at the paper
maximum width. Meanwhile, the code bar is also affected by wrap-around.
*3 If the text block/line width parameter value is smaller than the minimum value or larger than the
maximum value, the width is rounded to the minimum value or the maximum value, respectively.
In the case of 203-dpi printer
Module width is 2 or less: Font A
Module width is 3 or more: Font E
Minimum value: 40 dots
Maximum value: 832 dots
Minimum value: 60 dots
Maximum value: 1238 dots