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Format: ^SNv,n,z
v = Start value
String containing a numeric value with up to 40 digits
When omitted: 1
*1 If the number of digits exceeds 40, printing is not performed.
*2 If a numeric value is not contained, increment/decrement is not applied.
n = Increment/decrement value
-999999999 to 999999999
Default: “Numeric value to INC/DEC” in the default setting file
When omitted: “Numeric value to INC/DEC” in the default setting file
If the number of digits in the value exceeds 10, tenth and later digits are discarded.
z = Zero padding
Y : Yes
N : No
Default: “Zero padding Yes/No” in the default setting file
When omitted: “Zero padding Yes/No” in the default setting file
'N’ is valid only when the start value is set to a value containing 12 or less digits.
*1 Increment/decrement is invalid with two-dimensional codes except GS1 DataBar, POSTNET, and
*2 ^SN in ^FN supports increment/decrement only for bar codes.
*3 If a symbol other than + and - is placed at the beginning of the increment/decrement value, the
increment value is +1 regardless of the following numeric value.