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Format: ^MFp,h
p = Feed action at power-up
F : Feed ([ESC] T command)
L : Feed (no sensor adjustment)
N : No action
C : Calibration
S : Calibration (short)
Default: "POWER ON CALIB" in the Z-MODE parameter
When omitted: This command is ignored.
h = Feed action after head is closed
F : Feed ([ESC] T command)
L : Feed (no sensor adjustment)
N : No action
C : Calibration
S : Calibration (short)
Default: "HEAD CLOSE CALIB" in the Z-MODE parameter
When omitted: This command is ignored.
*1 Operations such as “feed” and “calibration” are not performed with this command.
*2 This command specifies the operation to be or not to be performed after “power ON” and “head
*3 The value is restored to the previous setting by turning off/on the unit.
*4 If either of the setting for parameter p or h is omitted, this command is ignored.
*5 Calibration after power-up
• When C or S is selected, LE840/LE850 standard calibration is performed. When L or F is
selected, feed operation is performed for the set label pitch. When N is selected, no
operation is performed.
• When C or S is selected and calibration is performed, the label length, the sensor selection,
and the ribbon selection cannot be modified with the command.
*6 Calibration after head close
• When C or S is selected, LE840/LE850 standard calibration is performed. When L or F is
selected, feed operation is performed for the set label pitch. (Note that, after printing with a
selected sensor, feed to the print start position is performed.) When N is selected, no
operation is performed.
• When C or S is selected and calibration is performed, the label length, the sensor selection,
and the ribbon selection cannot be modified with the command.
*7: When the media length is specified with the shorter pitch than the actual one, and also when FEED
is selected for this parameter, a feed jam may occur depending on the media stop position.
When FEED is selected, set an appropriate pitch.