turer ™ Balances Service Manual 29 Ohaus Corporation
3. Remove the balance Windring, before doing that you need to gently release the two hinches
securing the Windring to the balance top housing.
Figure 3-22 Adventurer Precison Balance Releasing hinges.
Releasing the two hinges which secures the Windring to the balance top housing.
Then follow the instrcution of removing Adventurer housing from page 3-4.
3.3 Replacing Adventurer Load Cell
3.3.1 Replacing Adventurer Type conventional MFR load cell.
Remove the balance load cell metal cover and you will see the Conventional MFR load cell.
Figure 3-23 Adventurer Precision Balances Load cell cover removed.
1. Locate and remove the 2 cables connecting the Conventional MFR load cell to the balance
main PCBA as shown below.
Figure 2-24 Load Cell Cable Connecting to Main PCBA Removed.