turer ™ Balances Service Manual 45 Ohaus Corporation
16. Position the Load Cell in the
balance Housing. (See Figure
3-74.) Insert and tighten the three
screws. Be sure the Load Cell is
squarely mounted in the Housing.
Connect the cable from the Main
PCB to the Position Sensor Board.
Figure 3-74. Insert the 3 screws to secure
Precision Load Cell in Bottom Housing.
17. Adjust the Position Sensor Board: follow steps 9 through 11 in Section 3.3.9
(summarized here). With the Weighing Pan in its normal position but the Housing off,
power on the balance.
The Position Sensor Board contains an Optical Sensor which must be positioned in the
Ratio Beam’s center of travel for the balance to function properly.
18. Adjust the vertical position of
the Position Sensor Board: if it
is too high or too low, the
display indicates Over load.
Move it until the display
than Over
Load. Then tighten the
screws on the board. (See
Figure 3-75.)
19. When adjustments are
complete, tighten the screws,
carefully checking that the
display does not show an
error Over Load. (If it does,
repeat Step 18.)
Figure 3-75. When Position Sensor Board shows
normal weight, tighten its screws with an Allen Key.
20. Install the Load Cell Cover.
21. Perform Off-Center Load Adjustments. (See Chapter 4.)
22. Test the balance. (See Chapter 4.)
Cable from Main
PCB to Position
Sensor Board