Instrument Utilities and Diagnostics
Updates to the Odyssey
instrument software will be posted on
LI-COR’s FTP site and made available on CD-ROM. Update notifica-
tions will be sent that detail how to get the update on CD, and will
also include FTP address, name, and password information so the
files can be downloaded on-line.
Updating the Odyssey software requires about 100 MB internal hard disk.
If the hard disk is full, the oldest scans will be deleted to make room for the update, so
make sure all scans are downloaded before proceeding.
In many cases the Odyssey Application Software will be updated at the
same time as the instrument software. Instructions for installing the
application software will be provided with the update files.
Opening the Update Scanner Page
Whether you have an update CD or have downloaded the update
files via FTP, the update procedure is as follows:
Open the Odyssey home page using a browser as described in
Chapter 4.
Updating the Odyssey Instrument Software