Remove the wheel.
Remove the brake caliper mounting bolt and brake
pads mounting pins.
Remove the brake pads.
Make sure that pad spring is in position. Install the new
brake pads.
Install pad pins by pushing in the pads against pad
spring to align pad slots in the pads and caliper body.
Tighten the brake pad mounting pins to 18N.m.
Tighten the brake pad mounting pins to 80N.m.
Removal and disassembly
Remove the wheel.
Remove the caliper and hub.
Remove the brake disc.
Inspect the brake disc for cracks or damage and measure the
thickness using the micrometer. If any damage are found or
the thickness is less than the service limit, replace the brake
disc with a new one.
Minimum thickness of front brake disc: 3.5mm.
Minimum thickness of rear brake disc: 3.0mm
Measure the warpage using the dial gauge. If the warpage exceeds the service limit, replace the brake disc with a
new one.
Maxmum warpage of brake disc:0.3mm.
Do not operate the brake pedal during or after
brake pad removal.
Replace the brake pads as a set, otherwise
braking performance will be adversely affected.
After replacing the brake pads, pump the brake
pedal a few times to check for proper brake
operation and then check the brake fluid level.