Place the vehicle on a level surface.
Remove the master cylinder reservoir cap and
Suck up the old brake fluid as much as possible.
Fill the reservoir with new brake fluid.
Remove the dust cap of air bleeder valve. Connect a
clear hose to the air bleeder valve and insert the other
end of the hose into a receptacle.
Loosen the air bleeder valve and pump the brake
pedal until the old brake fluid is completely out of the
brake system.
Close the air bleeder valve and squeeze and release
the brake pedal several times in rapid succession and
hold the pedal fully squeezed. Loosen the air bleeder
valve for about quarter of a turn so that the brake fluid
runs into the receptacle, this will remove the tension of
the brake pedal. Then close the bleeder valve, pump
and squeeze the pedal and open the valve. Repeat this
process until the fluid flowing into the receptacle
contains no air bubbles.
Tighten the air bleeder valve to 6N.m.
Disconnect the clear hose and install the dust cap of
air bleeder valve.
Fill the reservoir with new brake fluid to the upper
edge of the inspection window.
Install the master cylinder reservoir cap and
While bleeding the brake system, replenish the
brake fluid in the reservoir as necessary. Make
sure that there is always some fluid visible in the