Installation instructions
Adesys bv, Wateringen, NL
Octalarm-T2 / T4 / T8 / T16
18.6.3 Octalarm for GSM (mobile communication network)
The following options are available:
Report delay: 00 MIN
Use this option to set the delay in minutes (from 0 to 99 min). The alarm will not be sent
until the set time has passed.
Auto answer: off / on
Use this option to allow remote access to the alarm status:
the Octalarm will not answer calls to the machine,
ON the
Octalarm will answer after a set number of call signals (see below) and
will pass on the status of the alarm channels, using tone code or speech (model
If the setting is
and a telephonic alarm is followed by a dial-back to confirm
the alarm (if this option has been selected for this telephone number), the
Octalarm will nevertheless answer.
If this option is set to
, it is always possible to access the alarm status, even if the
telephone dialler button has been switched off.
SMS central number:
To send SMS messages, Octalarm needs the so-called SMS central number. This number
is provided by the network operator or service provider when you take out your
subscription. Enter that number here.
Set GSM PIN code yes / no
If you wish to enter the PIN code of your SIM card, select
You cannot change the PIN code of your SIM card using the Octalarm. If you so wish,
you can change the code by temporarily placing the SIM card in a standard mobile
telephone, changing the code, replacing the SIM card in the Octalarm and entering the
new code.
GSM unblocking code:
If your SIM card has been blocked because an incorrect PIN code was entered, the
Octalarm will ask this question. Enter the unblocking code provided with your SIM card.
Remember to enter the correct PIN code afterwards!