Operation instructions
Adesys bv, Wateringen, NL
Octalarm-T2 / T4 / T8 / T16
4.4 Reset procedure
The Octalarm has two ways of resetting a telephone report:
Reset during the report. In case of reports to a pager, a reporting service or a mobile telephone
with SMS, the reception of the acceptance tone is sufficient to reset the Octalarm. In case of
telephone reports, a 4-digit reset code has to be entered during the report, using a tone dialling
Reset by call back. Using this setting, the Octalarm has to be called back to acknowledge the
reception of the report. The call back time limit is adjustable, as is the reset code (for optional
All settings mentioned above are adjustable for each individual call number.
4.5 More than one alarm simultaneously
The transaction order of alarms occurring simultaneously depends on whether a deviant dialling order
has been set for the alarm channels concerned or not. (See configuration in the installation program
Prog 42 “set dial sequence”.
4.5.1 Reporting channels with a default dialler
No specific call numbers are selected for these reporting channels. The report attempts can be sent to
each of the numbers entered (factory default).
In case more than one alarm takes place at the same time, the alerts will be passed on in groups as
much as possible. With telephone reports, more than one alarm is heard at the same time and in case
of a report to a pager or a reporting service, the report codes are passed on immediately after each
other. In this way, the alarms are reported quickly and they can be reset simultaneously.
4.5.2 Reporting channels with a deviant dialler
A selection from the call numbers entered has been made for these reporting channels. The report
attempts are only allowed to be sent to a limited number of call numbers, according to a determined
If these reporting channels are activated simultaneously, the Octalarm functions according to the
priority principles, whereby the alarm with the highest priority precedes the other alarms. An alarm
having a lower priority will only be reported after a telephone reset of the alarm with the highest
priority, or following 15 unsuccessful report attempts. The priority of the reporting channels is
determined as follows:
battery empty channel,
alarm channel 1,
alarm channel 2, etc.
mains failure channel.
If a channel with a higher priority is activated during a report, the running report will be interrupted and
the highest priority alarm will be reported. After completing this alert, the report of the channel with a
lower priority is resumed.
4.5.3 Combination of a default/custom dialler
Reporting channels with a different dialling order always have a higher priority to channels with a
default dialling order.