Adesys bv, Wateringen, NL
Operation instructions
Octalarm-T2 / T4 / T8 / T16
Depending on the reset procedure programmed with the call number, you have to call back the
Octalarm in order to acknowledge the alarm report and to reset the transmission.
Dial the number of the Octalarm.
Provided the telephone line is not engaged, the Octalarm will answer the call after 2 rings and
transmit the alarm twice using a recognizable tone code or a recorded voice message (version -S).
See paragraph 4.3.1 “Report to telephone" for the characteristics of the tone codes.
8.1 Reset without using a reset code
In case the call number is not provided with a reset code, the alarm report is followed by an extended
beep (5 seconds) indicating the Octalarm is being reset.
In case no reset code is set, it may be possible that, if someone happens to call the Octalarm
within the set delay time, the Octalarm is reset accidentally! Therefore, the use of a reset code is
strongly recommended.
8.2 Reset using a reset code
In case the call number is provided with a reset code, after the alarm report, the Octalarm will send
short waiting beeps with extended pauses in between, indicating the reset code to be entered now.
Enter the reset code using the telephone. If the code is right, an extended beep (5 seconds) is heard
and the alarm is reset. In case of an incorrect reset code, you hear some short error beeps shortly
after each other and the Octalarm waits for the correct reset code. The connection will be interrupted
after 2 minutes.
After the reset code has been accepted, the Octalarm will send waiting beeps again to give the caller
the opportunity to send commands for switching or remote programming. See paragraph 10
"SWITCHING THE RELAY OUTPUT BY TELEPHONE” respectively paragraph 17.1.3 “Programming
using a telephone line”.
A reset code can only be entered using a tone dialling telephone.