OBi1000 User Guide
Copyright Obihai Technology
Audio Volume Settings
Audio Volume Adjustment is a special app that is invoked automatically anytime the user presses the Volume Up or
Volume Down Key. The type of audio volume to adjust is based on the context in which the app is invoked. If the
speakerphone is on, then speaker volume would be adjusted. If headset is on, then headset volume would be
adjusted. If handset is being used for a call, then handset volume would be adjusted. If there are no calls or all calls
are either in Holding or Ringing state, then ringer volume would be adjusted.
Figure 52: Volume change pop-‐up dialog shown on screen
Utility Apps
Utility apps are simple that are used as part of another App
Picture Picker
This app lets user select a picture from a list of picture files stored in an internal folder. Below is a screenshot of the
Picture Gallery App.
Figure 53: Picture gallery utility app