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User manual
Rev. 1.2 — 5 October 2016
472 of 487
NXP Semiconductors
Chapter 35: Supplementary information
(I2C2), 0x4007 4000 (I2C3)) . . . . . . . . . . . . .237
Table 204. I2C Configuration register (CFG, address 0x4005
0000 (I2C0), 0x4005 4000 (I2C1), 0x4007 0000
(I2C2), 0x4007 4000 (I2C3)) bit description . .237
C Status register (STAT, address 0x4005 0004
(I2C0), 0x4005 4004 (I2C1), 0x4007 0004 (I2C2),
0x4007 4004 (I2C3)) bit description . . . . . . .239
Table 206. Master function state codes (MSTSTATE) . . .242
Table 207. Slave function state codes (SLVSTATE) . . . .243
Table 208. Interrupt Enable Set and read register
Table 209. Interrupt Enable Clear register (INTENCLR,
Table 210. Time-out value register (TIMEOUT, address
0x4005 0010 (I2C0), 0x4005 4010 (I2C1), 0x4007
0010 (I2C2), 0x4007 4010 (I2C3)) bit description.
C Clock Divider register (CLKDIV, address
0x4005 0014 (I2C0), 0x4005 4014 (I2C1), 0x4007
0014 (I2C2), 0x4007 4014 (I2C3)) bit description.
C Interrupt Status register (INTSTAT, address
0x4005 0018 (I2C0), 0x4005 4018 (I2C1), 0x4007
0018 (I2C2), 0x4007 4018 (I2C3)) bit description.
Table 213. Master Control register (MSTCTL, address
0x4005 0020 (I2C0), 0x4005 4020 (I2C1), 0x4007
0020 (I2C2), 0x4007 4020 (I2C3)) bit description.
Table 214. Master Time register (MSTTIME, address 0x4005
0024 (I2C0), 0x4005 4024 (I2C1), 0x4007 0024
(I2C2), 0x4007 4024 (I2C3)) bit description .249
Table 215. Master Data register (MSTDAT, address 0x4005
0028 (I2C0), 0x4005 4028 (I2C1), 0x4007 0028
(I2C2), 0x4007 4028 (I2C3)) bit description . .250
Table 216. Slave Control register (SLVCTL, address 0x4005
0040 (I2C0), 0x4005 4040 (I2C1), 0x4007 0040
(I2C2), 0x4007 4040 (I2C3)) bit description . .251
Table 217. Slave Data register (SLVDAT, address 0x4005
0044 (I2C0), 0x4005 4044 (I2C1), 0x4007 0044
(I2C2), 0x4007 4044 (I2C3)) bit description . .251
Table 218. Slave Address registers (SLVADR[0:3], address
Table 219. Slave address Qualifier 0 register (SLVQUAL0,
Table 220. Monitor data register (MONRXDAT, address
0x4005 0080 (I2C0), 0x4005 4080 (I2C1), 0x4007
0080 (I2C2), 0x4007 4080 (I2C3)) bit description
Table 221. SCT pin description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
Table 222. Register overview: State Configurable Timer
SCT/PWM (base address 0x5000 4000) . . . 262
Table 223. SCT configuration register (CONFIG, address
0x5000 4000) bit description . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
Table 224. SCT control register (CTRL, address 0x5000
4004) bit description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
Table 225. SCT limit event select register (LIMIT, address
0x5000 4008) bit description . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
Table 226. SCT halt event select register (HALT, address
0x5000 400C) bit description . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
Table 227. SCT stop event select register (STOP, address
0x5000 4010) bit description . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
Table 228. SCT start event select register (START, address
0x5000 4014) bit description . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
Table 229. SCT counter register (COUNT, address 0x5000
4040) bit description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
Table 230. SCT state register (STATE, address 0x5000
4044) bit description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
Table 231. SCT input register (INPUT, address 0x5000
4048) bit description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
Table 232. SCT match/capture mode register (REGMODE,
address 0x5000 404C) bit description . . . . . . 276
Table 233. SCT output register (OUTPUT, address 0x5000
4050) bit description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
Table 234. SCT bidirectional output control register
Table 235. SCT conflict resolution register (RES, address
0x5000 4058) bit description . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
Table 236. SCT DMA 0 request register (DMAREQ0,
address 0x5000 405C) bit description . . . . . . 279
Table 237. SCT DMA 1 request register (DMAREQ1,
address 0x5000 C060) bit description . . . . . . 279
Table 238. SCT event interrupt enable register (EVEN,
address 0x5000 40F0) bit description . . . . . . 279
Table 239. SCT event flag register (EVFLAG, address
0x5000 40F4) bit description . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
Table 240. SCT conflict interrupt enable register (CONEN,
address 0x5000 40F8) bit description . . . . . . 280
Table 241. SCT conflict flag register (CONFLAG, address
0x5000 40FC) bit description . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
Table 242. SCT match registers 0 to 7 (MATCH[0:7], address
0x5000 4100 (MATCH0) to 0x5000 411C
(MATCH7)) bit description (REGMODEn bit = 0).
Table 243. SCT capture registers 0 to 7 (CAP[0:7], address
0x5000 4100 (CAP0) to 0x5000 411C (CAP7)) bit
description (REGMODEn bit = 1). . . . . . . . . . 281
Table 244. SCT match reload registers 0 to 7
Table 245. SCT capture control registers 0 to 7
(CAPCTRL[0:7], address 0x5000 4200
(CAPCTRL0) to 0x5000 421C (CAPCTRL7)) bit