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User manual
Rev. 1.2 — 5 October 2016
452 of 487
NXP Semiconductors
Chapter 33: LPC82x Pin description
5 V tolerant pin providing standard digital I/O functions with configurable modes, configurable hysteresis, and analog input. When
configured as an analog input, the digital section of the pin is disabled, and the pin is not 5 V tolerant.
5 V tolerant pad providing digital I/O functions with configurable pull-up/pull-down resistors and configurable hysteresis. This pin is
active in Deep power-down mode and includes a 20 ns glitch filter (active in all power modes). In Deep power-down mode, pulling the
WAKEUP pin LOW wakes up the chip. The wake-up pin function can be disabled and the pin can be used for other purposes, if the WKT
low power oscillator is enabled for waking up the part from Deep power-down mode.
5 V tolerant pad providing digital I/O functions with configurable pull-up/pull-down resistors and configurable hysteresis; includes
high-current output driver.
5 V tolerant pad providing digital I/O functions with configurable pull-up/pull-down resistors and configurable hysteresis.
True open-drain pin. I
C-bus pins compliant with the I
C-bus specification for I
C standard mode, I
C Fast-mode, and I
C Fast-mode
Plus. Do not use this pad for high-speed applications such as SPI or USART. The pin requires an external pull-up to provide output
functionality. When power is switched off, this pin is floating and does not disturb the I2C lines. Open-drain configuration applies to all
functions on this pin.
This pin includes a 20 ns glitch filter (active in all power modes). RESET functionality is not available in Deep power-down mode. Use
the WAKEUP pin to reset the chip and wake up from Deep power-down mode. An external pull-up resistor is required on this pin for the
Deep power-down mode.
5 V tolerant pin providing standard digital I/O functions with configurable modes, configurable hysteresis, and analog I/O for the system
oscillator. When configured for XTALIN and XTALOUT, the digital section of the pin is disabled, and the pin is not 5 V tolerant.
The WKTCLKIN function is enabled in the DPDCTRL register in the PMU. See the LPC82x user manual.
[10] The digital part of this pin is 3 V tolerant pin due to special analog functionality. Pin provides standard digital I/O functions with
configurable modes, configurable hysteresis, and an analog input. When configured as an analog input, the digital section of the pin is