Refer to the Stack Current Thresholds section in the
Software Reference Manual
to tune this gauge
7.1.5. State of Charge
The State-of-Charge radial gauge shows the battery stack’s State-of-Charge. The battery stack is
empty when the State-of-Charge value is 0% and full when the State-of-Charge value is 100%.
7.1.6. Depth of Discharge
The Depth-of-Discharge radial gauge shows how much energy has been taken out of the battery
stack. In an ideal energy storage system, defined as a system with no power losses, the amount of
energy shown in this gauge needs to be added back into the battery stack to fill it back up to 100%
Nuvation Energy Stack Switchgear - Product Manual
Document ID: NE-PM-003
Rev 1.0, 2020-09-03