tory according to the SLES Administration Guide and use Add From System
in Image Creator.
It is also possible to manually add selected packages to the
IMPORTANT: Building 32bit Images on 64bit Machines
SLEPOS terminals need 32bit images. If you want build 32bit images
on a 64bit machine, Subscription Management Tool (SMT) must be
used for repository management. It is also recommended to use SMT
for SLE update repositories (SLES-11-Updates, SLE-11-POS-Updates).
For SMT configuration, see Subscription Management Tool Guide.
If the SMT is configured, add repositories in Image Creator. Press Add
> Specify URL and enter the repository URL, for example:
Click Next to proceed with creating the image configuration. Image Creator
now downloads the repository metadata. This action may take some time. If
the configured repositories are not valid, Image Creator will report that.
In the Image Configuration dialog, add
and other needed users. Other-
wise, you can use the default values defined in the template. To edit the set-
tings, see Section 12.7, “Image Configuration Settings” (page 170). Click
You are asked if the image should be created now. To create the image, select
Yes. If you choose No, the image configuration will be saved but no image
will be built.
A window showing logs opens. After successfully creating the image, click
OK. The path to the directory containing the new image is shown. Click OK.
12.2 Building Network Boot Images
In environments where the available network infrastructure is suitable to boot SUSE
Linux Enterprise Point of Service terminals over the LAN, you can use network boot
SUSE Linux Enterprise Point of Service Guide