FIBER_TIGER_manual, 2021-11-29
6. Cleaning, maintaining and repairing
6.3. Cleaning the protective window
6.3. Cleaning the protective window
Clean the protective window only if it is really necessary. Keep in mind that cleaning also
degrades the quality of the optical surface.
Target audience and qualification
Operators and experts
Have ready
Cotton gloves
Dust-off aerosol can
Cotton swabs with wooden stick
Lens cleaning paper in the size of approximately 100
150 mm²
Isopropanol with a purity grade of at least 99.8 % in a small dropper bottle
Acetone with a purity grade of at least 99.9 % and a percentage of nonvolatile
compounds of less than 0.0002 % in a small dropper bottle
Bright light source
Dark background
The protective window is removed from the scan head; see section 6.2 on page 37.