FIBER_TIGER_manual, 2021-11-29
6. Cleaning, maintaining and repairing
Cleaning, maintaining and repairing are limited to the procedures described in this chapter.
If other measures become needed, please contact ous customer support; see page ii.
6.1. Maintenance plan
Novanta recommends to create a maintenance plan. The maintenance intervals depend
on the work environment’s degree of pollution.
Target audience and qualification
Operators and experts
Safety precautions
• Switch off the superordinate machine (power supply, purge gas and cooling water),
in particular the laser and moving parts.
• Regularly check if the protective window at the laser aperture is contaminated and
clean or replace it as the case may be; see section 6.2 on page 37.
6.2. Removing and assembling the protective window
Remove the protective window only if it needs cleaning or if it is has to be replaced.