PROPlus / PRO Series Automated Dispensing Systems
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Appendix A, Command Function Reference
Camera Trigger
address and
select from drop-
down menu
Used only in a Step & Repeat program and in tandem with the Trig Mark and Rectangle Adjust commands to
define how the system evaluates the Trig Marks across a row of workpieces in an array. Instead of pausing
at each Trig Mark on each workpiece in a row, the camera takes a picture of all the Trig Marks in the row
and then evaluates them at the end of the row; after evaluation, the tip returns to the beginning of the row to
dispense on the workpieces, making adjustments as needed.
The speed at which the camera moves continuously across the row of marks to take pictures is adjustable.
This value is set on a trial-and-error basis. A value of 25 to 50 (mm/s) is typical, but is highly dependent on
the size of the viewing area and the complexity of the workpiece surface.
• Refer to “How to Use Trig Marks in a Step & Repeat Program” on page 73 for detailed procedures for
using this command.
• For the best system performance, make the Shutter setting (click CAMERA > LENS to access this setting)
as low as possible while ensuring that you can clearly see the workpiece.
• When Camera Trigger is used, the Step & Repeat parameter for path must be set to S Path.
The speed at which the camera moves across workpieces in array to perform the Camera
Trigger command.
Range: 0–100 (mm/s)
Registers a circle with the circle’s center at the current XYZ location
The diameter of the circle (in mm)
Start Angle
The angle (in degrees) from the center of the circle where the start of the circle begins. The
default of 0 degrees equates to the 3:00 position.
Default: 0 (degrees)
Range: 0 to 360
• You can enter a negative value. For example, if you enter -90, the circle start point will be the
12:00 position.
• You can also enter a value greater than 360, but if you do so, the robot compensates for the
larger value. For example, if you enter 400, the circle start point will begin at the 40 degree
Total Degree
The angle (in degrees) after the Start Angle value at which dispensing stops.
Default: 0 (degrees)
To dispense in a counterclockwise direction, enter a negative value.
You can enter a value greater than 360. For example, if you enter 720, the Z axis head will
loop twice.