Maps & navigation
Explore what’s out there and how to get there.
Switch location services on
Find out where you are using HERE Maps, and save your location to the photos you take – let apps
use your location info to offer you a wider variety of services.
Swipe left, and tap
, and switch
Location services
HERE Maps shows you what is nearby, and directs you where you want to go.
You can:
• Search for addresses and places of interest, such as restaurants, hospitals, and airports
• Get driving, walking, and public transportation directions – use your current location or any other
place as the start point
• See where you are in a shopping center or other complex building, and find your favorite shops
and facilities
• Use your phone’s camera viewfinder to reveal the shops and restaurants around you
• Have your favorite places backed up and at hand on all HERE apps and at
to your Nokia account
• Write a review of a place, or take a photo and upload it for everyone to see, either on their phones
or at
Use this QR code to download the latest version of HERE Maps to your phone. Press ,
and tap . Point the camera at the code, and tap the link.
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