User’s Manual
Date:15/07/2015 User’s Manual
Picture 1.2 Principle
The K1,K2 and K3 in above equation is constant related to the character of medium . So the mass flow Q can be
get through measuring the heating power rate P and difference of temperature T
. In actual application, there are
two different method, one is consistent current method (keep the P unchanged) and the other is consistent
temperature method (keep T
2 Install
2.1 Find Most Suitable Location
2.1.1 Ambient temperature
Please avoid installing the flowmeter at a location where temperature could dramaticly changes. If the
meter is under heavy heat radiation, please implement effective heat insulation and venting method.
2.1.2 Atomosphere
Please do not install the meter at a locaition where the atomosphere contains a high level of corrosive
substance. If can not install the meter at a better location, please make sure there is enough venting.
2.1.3 Vibration
The meter should not be installed at a location where could have strong vibration. If the mounting
pipeline could have heavy vibration, the pipe line should be holden steady by some supporting racks.
2.1.4 Caution
(a) All screws and bolts should be tighen.
(b) Make sure there is not leakage point on the connection.
(c) The process pressure should not be higher than the meter’s rated pressure.
(d) Once the meter is under pressure, please do not screw the bolts and screws.
(e) When measuring harzad gas, do not breath the gas in
(f) If the meter is insertion mounted, please the outer of the connection part should be sealed with
proper sealant.
(g) If the meter is insertion mounted,