NTI Secure Remote Power Reboot Switch
The IP Device Configuration page will immediately open. Here you can configure the IPDU-Sx to ping the IP Device as often as
desired and to react to a lack of response by sending alert messages and/or power-cycling a power outlet.
Figure 25- IP Device Configuration page
IP Device Settings
The description of the IP Device that will be viewed in the Summary page and in the body of alert
IP Address
The IP address of the IP Device
Assign the IP Device to either group 1 or 2
Ping Period
Enter the frequency in minutes or seconds that the IPDU-S2 should ping the IP Device
Enter the length of time in seconds to wait for a response to a ping before considering the attempt a
Enter the number of times the IPDU-S2 should ping a non-responsive IP device before changing its
status from normal to alarm and sending an alert
The alert settings and data logging are the same as for sensor configuration, described on page 24. Under Power Outlet
Association, if the IP device is connected to one of the power outlets on the IPDU-Sx, the IPDU-Sx can automatically cycle the
power to the chosen outlet when the IP device is determined to be in a state of alarm. The power cycle characteristics will be
those configured under the power outlet configuration under “Outlet Operation Settings” (page 19).