Reboot the access point from the local browser UI.....................168
Schedule the access point to reboot.............................................169
Return the access point to its factory default settings.................170
Use the Reset button to reset the access point........................170
Use the local browser UI to reset the access point..................171
Enable SNMP and manage the SNMP settings............................172
Manage the LEDs.............................................................................174
Manage the Energy Efficiency Mode.............................................175
Chapter 11 Monitor the Access Point and the Network
Display the access point Internet, IP, and system settings..........178
Display the WiFi radio settings.......................................................181
Display unknown and known neighbor access points................184
Display client distribution, connected clients, and client trends.186
View WiFi and Ethernet traffic, traffic and ARP statistics, and channel
View or download tracked URLs.....................................................191
View, save, download, or clear the logs........................................193
View a WiFi bridge connection.......................................................195
View alarms and notifications.........................................................196
Chapter 12 Manage the Advanced WiFi Features for a WiFi network
Set NAT mode or Bridge mode for addressing and traffic.........199
Enable or disable client isolation for a WiFi network...................200
Enable or disable URL tracking for a WiFi network......................202
Change the format of the DHCP offer messages in a WiFi
Select a MAC ACL for a WiFi network...........................................205
Set bandwidth rate limits for a WiFi network................................207
Configure advanced rate selection for a WiFi network...............208
Chapter 13 Set up a WiFi Bridge
WiFi base station, WiFi repeater, and WiFi bridge requirements.214
Set up a WiFi bridge between access points................................215
Chapter 14 Manage the Advanced Radio Features
Manage the advanced WiFi settings for the radios.....................219
Manage the maximum number of clients for a radio..................222
Manage the broadcast and multicast settings for a radio...........223
Manage load balancing for the radios..........................................225
Manage sticky clients.......................................................................227
Manage the ARP proxy....................................................................229
Insight Managed WiFi 6 AX3000 Access Point Model WAX618