User’s Manual U13850EJ6V0UD
18.1.1 Erase unit
The erase unit differs depending on the product.
(1) V850/SB1 (
PD70F3033A, 70F3033AY, 70F3033B, 70F3033BY), V850/SB2 (
PD70F3035A, 70F3035AY,
70F3035B, 70F3035BY)
The erase units for 256 KB flash memory versions are shown below.
(a) All area one-shot erase
The area of xx000000H to xx03FFFFH can be erased in one shot.
(b) Area erase
Erasure can be performed in area units (there are two 128 KB unit areas).
Area 0:
The area of xx000000H to xx01FFFFH (128 KB) is erased
Area 1:
The area of xx020000H to xx03FFFFH (128 KB) is erased
(2) V850/SB1 (
PD70F3033B, 70F3033BY), V850/SB2 (
PD70F3036H, 70F3036HY)
The erase units for 384 KB flash memory versions are shown below.
(a) All area one-shot erase
The area of xx000000H to xx05FFFFH can be erased in one shot.
(b) Area erase
Erasure can be performed in area units (there are three 128 KB unit areas).
Area 0: The area of xx000000H to xx01FFFFH (128 KB) is erased
Area 1: The area of xx020000H to xx03FFFFH (128 KB) is erased
Area 2: The area of xx040000H to xx05FFFFH (128 KB) is erased
(3) V850/SB1 (
PD70F3032A, 70F3032AY, 70F3032B, 70F3032BY), V850/SB2 (
PD70F3037A, 70F3037AY,
70F3037H, 70F3037HY)
The erase units for 512 KB flash memory versions are shown below.
(a) All area one-shot erase
The area of xx000000H to xx07FFFFH can be erased in one shot.
(b) Area erase
Erasure can be performed in area units (there are four 128 KB unit areas).
Area 0:
The area of xx000000H to xx01FFFFH (128 KB) is erased
Area 1:
The area of xx020000H to xx03FFFFH (128 KB) is erased
Area 2:
The area of xx040000H to xx05FFFFH (128 KB) is erased
Area 3:
The area of xx060000H to xx07FFFFH (128 KB) is erased
18.1.2 Write/read time
The write/read time is shown below.
Write time: 50
Read time: 50 ns (cycle time)