Section 3: Features
Product Description
Usage Summaries
SMDR can automatically print daily, weekly and monthly call activity summaries. Each summary
includes the total number of regular trunk calls and ISDN trunk calls, and the costs for each type. The
daily report prints every day at midnight. The weekly report prints every Sunday night at midnight.
The monthly report prints at midnight on the last day of the month.
Extension Name or Number
The SMDR report can include an extension’s name or extension number. Choose the method that
makes it easier for you to track call usage.
T1 Trunking (with ANI/DNIS Compatibility)
The T1/PRI Interface PCB gives the system T1 trunking capability. This PCB uses a single universal slot
and provides up to 24 trunk circuits. In additional to providing digital-quality trunking, the T1/PRI Interface
PCB allows you to have maximum trunking capability with fewer PCBs. This in turn makes more universal
slots available for other functions.
You can program each T1/PRI PCB for any combination of the following trunks:
CO loop start
CO ground start
Direct Inward Dialing
Tie lines
The T1/PRI Interface PCB uses the first block of 24 consecutive trunks. For example, if you have an 8COIU
PCB installed for trunks 1-8, the T1/PRI Interface PCB will automatically use trunks 9-32. If you have
8COIU PCBs installed for trunks 1-8 and 17-24, the T1/PRI PCB will use trunks 25-48. The T1/PRI Inter-
face cannot use trunks 9-16 (even if available) since they are not part of a consecutive block of 24 trunks.
ANI/DNIS Compatibility
The system is compatible with telco’s T1 Automatic Number Identification (ANI) and Dialed Number Infor-
mation Service (DNIS) services. A compliment to Caller ID service, ANI/DNIS Compatibility provides:
Selectable Receive Format
You can set up the system for compatibility with any combination of ANI, DNIS and Dialed Number
(Address) data provided by the telco.
Flexible Routing
Based on the data received, the system can route the incoming ANI/DNIS call to:
- An extension
- An ACD or Voice Mail master extension number
ANI/DNIS Compatibility is available.
1. Two-wire (four-lead) type 1 tie lines (FIC TL11M) only.