Read all instructions before using
Do n ot use this produ ct near water.
Do n ot ceilin g- or wa ll-mount the prod uct.
Inst all the pr oduct in accorda nce with the ope rating in struction s.
Do n ot set th e product near h eat sour ces, suc h as radi ators, he at regis ters, stoves, or o ther
app aratus (i ncluding amplifie rs) that produce heat.
Prot ect the p ower co rd from b eing wa lked on or pinche d, partic ularly at plugs, c onvenie nce
rece ptacles, and the point wh ere they exit the product .
Do n ot use a ttachme nts not r ecomme nded or sold by t he produ ct manu facturer as a risk of fire,
elec trical sh ock, or s erious p ersonal injury ma y result .
Unp lug the p roduct d uring lig htning st orms or when un used for long pe riods of t ime.
Do n ot expo se the pr oduct to dripping or splas hing wa ter. Do n ot place objects filled wit h liquid
(e.g ., vases) on the p roduct.
Do n ot place in or ex pose the product to direct sunligh t, extrem e heat, h umid or dusty lo cations.
Nev er opera te this p roduct if it has a d amaged power c ord or p lug, is no t workin g proper ly, has
bee n droppe d, dama ged, or e xposed to moist ure, water, or oth er liquid s. Do no t attempt to
exa mine or r epair this produc t yourse lf; take t he produ ct to a s ervice ce ntre for inspecti on and
repa ir.
Keep magnetic objects such as speakers,at a distanc e from the player.
This set employs an optical laser beam system in the CD mechanism desig ned
with b uilt-in safeguards. Do not attem pt to disass emble. Expo sure to this
invisible las er light beam may be har mful to the human eye. This is a Class -1
laser produ ct. Use of controls, adjustments or procedures other tha n thos e
specified herein may result in hazard ous laser lig ht bea m exposure. This
compact disc player should not be adjusted or re paired by anyone except
qualified service p ersonnel. The lase r mechanism in th e set corresponds to the
stylus (needle) of a record player. Although this product uses a lase r pick-up
lens, it is completely safe when operated accordi ng to directions.
The manufacturer is not r esponsi ble for any radio or TV int erferenc e caused by unauthorized
modifications. Such mod ifications could v oid the user's au thority to operate the equ ipment.
1) Operate turni ng controls and switches as instru cted in the manu al.
2) Befor e turning on the power for the firs t time,make sure that the power cord is pro perly
3) Store your dis cs in a cool area to avoid damage from heat.
1). Nev er thr ow bat teries into a fire. D o not e xpose batteries to fire or other heat sources .
2). Bat tery D isposa l: Spe nt or d ischar ged ba tteries must be pro perly dispos ed of a nd
rec ycled in complianc e with all app licabl e laws . For d etailed information , contact you r
loc al solid wast e authority.
Battery Handling and Usage
This s tyle p layer c ontain s rech argea ble Li- ion ba ttery b ox . Th ere is a CR 2 025
battery for re mote c ontrol.
Handling precaut ions
Hold the disc by the edges so the su rface will no t be so iled with fing erprin ts. Fin gerpri nts,
dirt and sc ratche s can c ause skippi ng and distortion.
Do n ot write on th e labe l side with a ball-p oint pe n or other writing u tensils.
Spe cific ations are s ubject to change without notic e.
Power requirements:
Power source:
Power consumption:
TV colour system:
TV sound system:
TV frequency range:
Dots distance:
Visible range:
Discs played:
AC 10 0 -240 V~ 50/60H z
AC adap tor or car
ad aptor (normal: DC12V --- )
ATV:5 5.25-801.25
CTV: 73.25-7 99.25
1440( H) X 234(V)
0.107(H ) X 0.3 72(V)mm
15 4.08(H )X 87.5(V)mm
(1) DVD-VID EO dis c
12 cm single-sided,single-layer
12 cm single-sided,d ual-lay er
12 cm double-s ided,s ingle-layer
8 c m sin gle-sided,single-layer
8 c m sin gle-sided,dual-layer
8 c m double-sided,single-layer
12 cm disc
8 c m dis c
1 V
: 1 .2V
(1KHz , 0dB, 2 5mW )
Wave leng th: 65 5nm
Las er pow er: CLASS-1
(2) Compac t disc (VIDEO CD)
Video output level:
Audio output level
Earphone output level:
p- p
Operating Temperature Range:
Operating Humidity Range:
-10 C to 4 0 C
0% to 80%
2 00(L) X 154(W)X 35(D)m m