Product Specifications and Use
Product No: S6AA
• Dual function reduces floor space, allows antagonistic muscles to be
worked quickly.
• Back pad angle optimized to provide maximum muscle activation
• Correct, uncompromising strength curve for both adduction and
abduction movements.
• Machine Dimensions - 40” L x 70” W x 53” H
• Working Area - 64” L x 70” W x 53” H
• Weight Stack - 250 lb. with 5 lb. add-on (standard)
- 250 lb. with 1 lb. add-on (optional)
- 385 lb. with 5 lb. add-on (optional)
• Machine Weight - (255+5 Tower) 845 lbs.
- (255+1 Tower) 861 lbs.
- (385+5 Tower) 1067 lbs.
Muscles Exercised:
• Hip Adductors
• Hip Abductors
Start Position
End Position
The thigh pad will be facing inward for
the Abduction exercise and the start and finish
positions reverse for Hip Abduction exercise.
Rotate thigh so that the horizontal pad is pointed away from the machine.
Sit with your feet on the foot pegs so that your knees are bent at 90
degrees. Adjust the start position with range of motion adjust.
Performing the Exercise:
Hold the handles and slowly move the pads in. Push with your knees. Hold the
inward extreme position briefly. Slowly return to the start position. When you
are finished, pull the lever to release the weight pads to exit the machine.
Rotate the thigh pads so that the horizontal pad is pointed toward the
machine. Sit down with feet on the foot pegs and knees bent at 90
degrees. Activate adjustment handle to place movement arms together.
Performing the Exercise:
Hold the handles and slowly push the pads out with knees. Hold the inward
extreme position briefly. Slowly return to the start position.
Owner’s Manual