Product Specifications and Use
• Smart Arm Technology accommodates user defined path of motion
• Four bar Function Generator matches the users strength curve
• Zero Pulley design results in smooth movement
• Front pull movement reduces undesired strain on shoulder joints
• Roller bearing hand grip pivots to allow pronation and supination
throughout the movement range
• Machine Dimensions - 77” L x 51” W x 88” H
• Working Area - 87” L x 51” W x 88” H
• Weight Stack - 250 lb. with 5 lb. add-on (standard)
- 250 lb. with 1 lb. add-on (optional)
- 385 lb. with 5 lb. add-on (optional)
• Machine Weight - (255+5 Tower) 847 lbs.
- (255+1 Tower) 863 lbs.
- (385+5 Tower) 1069 lbs.
Start Position
End Position
Adjust the seat so that fingertips touch the bottom of the handles
while seated. Secure the thigh pads against thighs. Select the
desired weight resistance by turning the main weight selection
knob and the add on weight lever. Stand up, grip the bar and
then sit with thighs under pads.
Performing the Exercise:
Pull the handles down as far as possible with a controlled motion.
The rotating Smart Arm Technology allows starting and ending in
either a pronated or supinated position. Extend the handles up to the
stretched start position.
Start with palms facing away (pronated) and end in supinated
position while performing the exercise.
Product No: S6LATP
Muscles Exercised:
• Latissimus Dorsi and Biceps
Owner’s Manual