Product Specifications and Use
• Coupled movement arm technology reduces knee strain and maintains
axis alignment
• Knee pad control mechanism automatically compensates for tibia
moving rearward
• Knee pad releases out of the way for easy entry/exit
• Seat accessible tibia adjustment handle allows user to easily set leg
pad for proper positioning
• Hydraulically controlled seat back adjustment for easy axis alignment
• Machine Dimensions - 58” L x 52” W x 50” H
• Working Area - 62” L x 52” W x 50” H
• Weight Stack - 250 lb. with 5 lb. add-on (standard)
- 250 lb. with 1 lb. add-on (optional)
- 385 lb. with 5 lb. add-on (optional)
• Machine Weight - (255+5 Tower) 844 lbs.
- (255+1 Tower) 860 lbs.
- (385+5 Tower) 1066 lbs.
Start Position
End Position
Sit on the machine and place legs between the roller pads. Pull the seat
back release handle located above the right thigh. Adjust back to align
knee joint with the red axis indicator. Adjust lower pad until pads are just
above ankles. Lock the upper roller into place by pushing the handle.
Select the desired weight resistance by turning the main weight selection
knob and the add on weight lever.
Performing the Exercise:
Grasp the handles beside the seat. Curl the Movement Arm under the seat
as far as possible, pause, and return to starting position. To exit the machine,
pull the upper roller handle to release the pad.
Muscles Exercised:
• Hamstrings
Product No: S6LC
Owner’s Manual