TWMT0 Control and Status Register (T0CSR)
The T0CSR register is a byte-wide, read/write register that
controls Timer T0 and shows its current status. At reset, the
non-reserved bits of the register are cleared. The register
format is shown below.
The Restart bit is used to reset Timer T0.
When this bit is set, it forces the timer to re-
load the value in the TWMT0 register on the
next rising edge of the selected input clock.
The RST bit is reset automatically by the hard-
ware on the same rising edge of the selected
input clock. Writing a 0 to this bit position has
no effect. At reset, the non-reserved bits of the
register are cleared.
0 – Writing 0 has no effect.
1 – Writing 1 resets Timer T0.
The Terminal Count bit is set by hardware
when the Timer T0 count reaches zero and is
cleared when software reads the T0CSR reg-
ister. It is a read-only bit. Any data written to
this bit position is ignored. The TC bit is not
cleared if FREEZE mode is asserted by an ex-
ternal debugging system.
0 – Timer T0 did not count down to 0.
1 – Timer T0 counted down to 0.
The Timer T0 Interrupt Enable bit enables an
interrupt to the CPU each time the Timer T0
count reaches zero. When this bit is clear,
Timer T0 interrupts are disabled.
0 – Timer T0 interrupts disabled.
1 – Timer T0 interrupts enabled.
The Watchdog Last Touch Delay bit is set
when either WDCNT or WDSDM is written
and the data transfer to the Watchdog is in
progress (see WDCNT and WDSDM register
description). When clear, it is safe to switch to
Power Save mode.
0 – No data transfer to the Watchdog is in
progress, safe to enter Power Save mode.
– Data transfer to the Watchdog in
The Freeze Timer0 Enable bit controls wheth-
er TImer 0 is stopped in FREEZE mode. If this
bit is set, the Timer 0 is frozen (stopped) when
the FREEZE input to the TWM is asserted. If
the FRZT0E bit is clear, only the Watchdog
timer is frozen by asserting the FREEZE input
signal. After reset, this bit is clear.
0 – Timer T0 unaffected by FREEZE mode.
1 – Timer T0 stopped in FREEZE mode.
Watchdog Count Register (WDCNT)
The WDCNT register is a byte-wide, write-only register that
holds the value that is loaded into the Watchdog counter
each time the Watchdog is serviced. The Watchdog is start-
ed by the first write to this register. Each successive write to
this register restarts the Watchdog count with the written
value. At reset, this register is initialized to 0Fh.
Watchdog Service Data Match Register
The WSDSM register is a byte-wide, write-only register
used for servicing the Watchdog. When this type of servic-
ing is enabled (TWCFG.WDSDME = 1), the Watchdog is
serviced by writing the value 5Ch to the WSDSM register.
Each such servicing reloads the Watchdog counter with the
value previously written to the WDCNT register. Writing any
data other than 5Ch triggers a Watchdog error. Writing to
the register more than once in one Watchdog clock cycle
also triggers a Watchdog error signal. If this type of servic-
ing is disabled (TWCFG.WDSDME = 0), any write to the
WSDSM register is ignored.
The highest level of protection against software errors is
achieved by programming and then locking the Watchdog
registers and using the WDSDM register for servicing. This
is the procedure:
1. Write the desired values into the TWM Clock Prescaler
register (TWCP) and the TWM Timer 0 register
(TWMT0) to control the T0IN and T0OUT clock rates.
The frequency of T0IN can be programmed to any of
six frequencies ranging from 1/32 × f
to f
The frequency of T0OUT is equal to the frequency of
T0IN divided by (1+ PRESET), in which PRESET is the
value written to the TWMT0 register.
2. Configure the Watchdog clock to use either T0IN or
T0OUT by setting or clearing the TWCFG.WDCT0I bit.
3. Write the initial value into the WDCNT register. This
starts operation of the Watchdog and specifies the
maximum allowed number of Watchdog clock cycles
between service operations.
4. Set the T0CSR.RST bit to restart the TWMT0 timer.
5. Lock the Watchdog registers and enable the Watchdog
Service Data Match Enable function by setting bits 0, 1,
2, 3, and 5 in the TWCFG register.
6. Service the Watchdog by periodically writing the value
5Ch to the WDSDM register at an appropriate rate.
Servicing must occur at least once per period pro-
grammed into the WDCNT register, but no more than
once in a single Watchdog input clock cycle.