Drive Configuration
Manual No. 775029
How Do I Do an Assisted Configuration?
The sequence of screens displayed during an Assisted Configuration
depends on several factors, such as the number of unconfigured drives on the
controller and your responses at each step of the Assisted Configuration
Fault Tolerance?
The Fault Tolerance screen is displayed under the following condition:
• Number of Unconfigured Drives on Controller > 1
If you have only one unconfigured drive on this
controller, your only configuration option is JBOD, a
non fault-tolerant option. You will, therefore, NOT
see the Fault Tolerance choice screen.
Assuming your situation meets the condition above, the Fault Tolerance
screen is displayed (Figure 2-9).
Figure 2-9. Do You Want Fault Tolerance?
In most situations you will want fault tolerance to protect your array in the
event of a drive failure. However, if raw performance utilizing maximum
available drive capacity overshadows your need for fault tolerance, a RAID 0