How Do I Configure a Mylex Controller for the First Time?
RAID EzAssist User’s Manual
When the process is complete, RAID EzAssist brings you to the main menu
(Figure 1-27).
Figure 1-27. Configuration Complete - Go to Main Menu
Your next step will be to install the appropriate Mylex Disk Array Controller
driver for the operating system you’ll be using on the computer in which the
Mylex RAID Controller is installed.
• If you have not installed your operating system software yet, and the
Mylex controller is your system’s primary controller, you will need to
install the operating system and the Mylex driver concurrently.
• If the operating system is already installed, the Mylex controller is a
secondary controller. You will need to boot your operating system and
install the Mylex driver from within the operating system.
In either case, refer to the appropriate operating system chapter in the Disk
Array Controller Software Kit Installation Guide and User Manual for
instructions on primary and secondary controller driver installation. You may
also refer to the Mylex controller’s quick installation guide if your operating
system is NetWare or Windows NT.
Press the Esc key to leave the main menu.
You’ll see the RAID EzAssist exit confirmation screen (Figure 1-28).