Us ers Gu ide Viper TX 1 0 0
C hapter3 B as ics
A P -7 5350 -Revision 1 . 1
7 3
R elocating and transporting the printer
R elocating the printer
Itis pos s ible thatyou mightwantto reloc ate the printer. Follow the proc ed u re below to ens u re
nothing gets broken d u ring the reloc ation.
Y ou c an reloc ate the V iperTX 1 0 0 withou tmaking any c leanings ! Ifyou d o flus h ou tallink,
the printerhas to be s tarted u pnextd ay again.
Ifthe u nitwillnotbe u s ed formany d ays itis bes t
to flus h orc lean the head s . This to
preventthatthe head s d ry ou t.
ͬ»° ïæ
S witch offthe printer.
ͬ»° îæ
Rem ove allc ables .
ͬ»° íæ
L oc kthe c arrierwith the s pec ialbrac ketthatc omes with a new u nit.Ifyou los tthe
brac ket,you c an u s e tape s o thatthe c arriage c an no longermove.
ͬ»° ìæ
Take ou tallinkc as s ettes and replac e them with d u mm y c as s ettes .
Thes e d u mm y c as s ettes c an be ord ered atyou rM u toh d istribu tor.
ͬ»° ëæ
E mpty the was te bottle.
ͬ»° êæ
C lean the gu tterand empty the was te tray.
ͬ»° éæ
C lampallwas te tu bes .
C lamps c an be ord ered atyou rM u toh d istribu tor
ͬ»° èæ
S ec u re allc overs which c an be opened with tape, u s e a tape thatd oes notleave
any glue marks afterremoval.
ͬ»° çæ
Ifreloc ating the printeron its s tand , s ec u re the u nwind er/wind ers wingbars with
ͬ»° ïðæ
Remove the was te bottle ors ec u re itwith tape.
ͬ»° ïïæ
P u ttape overthe frontofthe c as s ettes s o thatthe c as s ettes c annotc ome ou tof
theirs lotd u ring trans port.
ͬ»° ïîæ
Tu rn in alllevelling feetofboth the printeras ofthe Unwind er/wind er1 0 0 .
B y reloca t
ing t
h e print
er, w e m ea n m ov ing t
h e print
o a not
h erpla ce w it
h in
h efirm .
A ft
erw a rds, reinst
a llt
h eprint
era ccording t
o t
h eInst
a lla t
ion G uide.
M a kesuret
h a tt
h eink g ut
P lea secont
a ctyourloca lM ut
oh dea lerform oreinform a t