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C hapter3 B as ics
6 6
A P -7 5350 -Revision 1 . 1
R efilling the ink cassettes
Follow the s teps below to refillthe inkc as s ettes .
ͬ»° ïæ
Ifthe printeris s witched O N , make s u re that
printing orotheroperations are notperformed .
the d isplay on the operation panels hows the normals tate.
the M E D IA S E T lighton the operation panelgoes off.
ͬ»° îæ
P u llou tthe little plug on the topofthe open c as s ette.
ͬ»° íæ
P lac e the fu nnelin the opening ofthe c as s ette.
ͬ»° ìæ
Fill the cas s ette to a level of 60 62 mm
(meas u red from bottom ofc as s ette)to
obtain perfec tprinting qu ality.
D o notdisa ssem ble t
h e ink ca sset
es. D isa ssem bles ink ca sset
es w ill no
long erw ork properly.