Us ers Gu ide Viper TX 1 0 0
C hapter3 B as ics
A P -7 5350 -Revision 1 . 1
S w itching the pow erO FF
S witch the powerofthe u nitO FF ac c ord ing to the following proc ed u re.
ͬ»° ïæ
Verify the following regard ing the operationalc ond ition ofthe u nit.
N o printing operation is performed .
The operation panelis in a normals tatu s .
ͬ»° îæ
P res s
on the operation panelto s witch the u nitO FF.
ͬ»° íæ
The operation paneld isplays following mes s age for3 s ec ond s .
ͬ»° ìæ
The prod u c twillperform the powerO FF operation.
The operation paneld isplays following mes s age.
A lllam ps and the L C D ofthe operation panelwills witch O FF.
The prod u c twillau tomatically s witch the powerO FF afterperform ing a tu bing flus h.
Th e print
eris O N w h en t
h e pow erla m p litg reen. P ress
a g a in t
o sh ut
dow n t
h eprint
If t
h ere a re problem s during t
h e pow erO F F opera t
ion, t
h e unitw ill displa y a
m essa g eon t
h eopera t
ion pa nel, a ndt
h eopera t
ion m a y st
op. If t
h e opera t
ops, refert
a ndt
a ket
h ea ppropria t
ea ct