Us ers Gu ide Viper TX 1 0 0
C hapter4 P eriod icalmaintenanc e
8 4
A P -7 5350 -Revision 1 . 1
R inse and clean the gutter
ͬ»° ïæ
D rain the gu tterwith wateru s ing the rins ing bottle.
ͬ»° îæ
S weepwith s ome paperallmoistto the leftmaintenanc e s ide s o itend s u pin the
was te tray.
ͬ»° íæ
D ry the gu tterwith s om e paperu ntilitis d ry and c lean.
A ft
erclea ning t
h e g ut
er, v erify if itis st
ill lying properly?A n im properlying
g ut
erw illlea dt
o h ea dst